Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sheila Drake,Cabinet for Health and Family Services Bowling Green, Kentucky--YOU ARE BEING CALLED OUT!! CHILD TRAFFICKING under the veil of Judicial Immunity --Judge Catherine Rice Holderfield- Stop the ABUSE of Christian Coffey

Social Worker who pulled a minor child out from class and questioned the minor without their parent or schools consent! Sheila Drake of Bowling Green,Kentucky. Stop the Abuse of Chrsitian Coffey! And stop harassing his supporters!


Sheila Drake

About Me Basic Info

Sex: Female

Current City:
Bowling Green, Kentucky

Hometown: Lexington, Kentucky

Employers Cabinet for Health and Family Services September 2006 to present Bowling Green, Kentucky

College Western Kentucky University '06 Bachelor Social Work

High School Tates Creek High School '02


JUST SOME GOOD OL BOYS Two hours of questioning of a minor child regarding the ownership of this blogs and many more is really showing how desperate this Judge court whore has become.

Rice-Holderfield sent out her goons  Sheila Drake  today to many persons homes, including Miss Kentucky International Elaine Bateman.  What has become of the justice system that they are hell bent on jailing a mother for others taking the stance on this injustice?!

We hope you are proud of yourself by intimidating a child into submission, falsely accusing her of blogging the TRUTH...CPS worker Sheila and Police Officer Blevins. There is a special little place in hell for those who fail to protect and serve....not sure which level...I will have to get back to you on that.  In the meantime I suggest you do some reading....




Face Book Page: “Stop The Abuse of Christian Coffey”

VIDEO HERE: Corrupt Judge Catherine Rice Holderfild  "Stop the Abuse of Christian Coffey" Bowling Green,

Dombrowski et al v. United States: A petition filed on behalf of 10 protective mothers, one victimized child now grown to adult, and six organizations at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights against the United States for the pattern and practice of courts granting custody and unsupervised visitation to abusers and molesters.

Diane Post

  Dombrowski et al v. United States (2007) A petition filed on behalf of 10 protective mothers, one victimized child now grown to adult, and six organizations at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights against the United States for the pattern and practice of courts granting custody and unsupervised visitation to abusers and molesters.

Entire Petition HERE

Diane Post On behalf of 10 protective mothers, one adult child, and 6 organizations, Post filed a petition with the Inter American Commission on Human Rights on 11 May 2007. The petition was supported by 17 national and state organizations as well.  The petition claims that the U.S. is violating the Declaration of Rights and Responsibilities of Man by the policy and practice of giving child custody or unsupervised visitation to abusers and molesters.  To read the petition, go to

Send your comments      
and suggestions             

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
1889 F St. NW
Washington D.C. 20006

Friday, October 29, 2010

Abused Mothers’ Mental Health

  The link to the study concerning this at OSU

This was published by HHS - what do they suggest doing about this problem? Simple solution is to NOT share custody.

HHS HealthBeat (November 01, 2010)

Abused mothers’ mental health

Listen to TipAudio

Take the Next Step

From the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, I’m Nicholas Garlow with HHS HealthBeat.

Even after leaving an abusive relationship, women may still show signs of increased depression and anxiety.  A study done at Ohio State University examined the mental health of 2,400 mothers in sustained and broken relationships.

Almost half the mothers who left their abuser still had contact with them on a weekly basis.  Claire Kamp Dush is an assistant professor of human development and family study at Ohio State.

“All of the women in our study shared children with these men and so it’s likely that they continued to be abused or to at least face some sort of abuse even after the relationship ended.” (10 seconds)

The study in Social Science Research was supported by the National Institutes of Health.

Learn more at

HHS HealthBeat is a production of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. I’m Nicholas Garlow.

Last revised: October, 29 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

VPC--"When Men Murder Women" Released for Domestic Violence Awareness Month


In 2008, as in years past, the state of Florida did not submit any data to the FBI

Supplementary Homicide Report. Data from Florida was not requested individually because the

difference in collection techniques would create a bias in the study results.

Each year for Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October the Violence Policy Center releases the report "When Men Murder Women."  This annual VPC publication details national and state-by-state information on female homicides involving one female murder victim and one male offender and ranks the states by this homicide victimization rate.  This year, Nevada led the nation in the rate of women killed by men, followed by Vermont, Alabama, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Arkansas and Missouri (tied), South Carolina, and Georgia.

The study is a key tool used by domestic violence prevention advocates and state and local policymakers in support of domestic violence prevention policies.

See a copy of the study's press release with a link to the full report at:

See a Huffington Post blog I wrote about the study and its findings at:

See some of the press coverage the study has received across the nation at:

Watch and share a VPC YouTube video on the gun industry's most recent marketing effort to women at:

As we state in the press release that accompanied the study's release, "These findings alarmingly demonstrate how domestic violence can escalate to homicide. More resources need to be made available to protect women and prevent such tragedies."

Thank you, as always, for your support of the Violence Policy Center and our efforts to stop gun death and injury.


Josh Sugarmann

Executive Director


Follow the VPC on:

Facebook:!/pages/Violence-Policy-Center/284334690298 and!/pages/Violence-Policy-Center-Concealed-Carry-Killers/258069527568



To contribute to the VPC and help support our important work, please visit


American Mothers Political Party Show-- Today 6 pm EDT 10-28-2010 Call-in Number: (347) 205-9977

Still Standing or listen and or talk from the link—online link

Date / Time: 10/28/2010 5:00 PM CDT 6 pm EDT

Category: Politics

Call-in Number: (347) 205-9977

AMPP Support Christian Coffey HIS Mother and ALL Their Supporters

AMPP is a social movement seeking justice and accountability within the family court system which includes DHHS/CPS, psychologists and other so called experts.

  • We as mothers demand CITIZENSHIP and our Rights to our Children.
  • We demand that our children not be used as pawns by our abuser in a custody dispute.
  • We demand that Mothers and Children be equally protected against court ordered visitation with an abuser.
  • We demand that Mothers and Children be given the same rights, privileges and voice that the abuser gets in family courts!
  • We demand that our President take action now as can no longer afford to be silent and we won’t.
  • We demand the same "rights and freedoms" to which all humans are entitled.

Behind the closed doors of the dirty little secret of the family court system, thousands of women each year lose child custody to violent men who beat and abuse Mothers and Children.

Family courts are not family-friendly and betray the best interests of the child.

Until Mothers and Children's voices are heard;

“We will never shut up, give up or go away!”

Upcoming Episodes

11/4/2010 5:00 PM - Still Standing

11/11/2010 5:00 PM - Still Standing

11/18/2010 5:00 PM - Still Standing

The Eighth Annual Battered Mothers Custody Conference: BMCC VIII: "The Unity Conference" January 7th, 8th, and 9th, 2011

Battered Women, Abused Children, and Child Custody:

“A National Crisis”

The Eighth Annual Battered Mothers Custody Conference

BMCC VIII: "The Unity Conference”

January 7th, 8th, & 9th, 2011

(Friday evening, 6 p.m. - Sunday afternoon)

Holiday Inn Turf

205 Wolf Road, Albany, NY

(Five minutes away from Albany International Airport)

Reserve early to get the $99 conference rate!

Call: 1-800-HOLIDAY or 518-458-7250

Ask for the Battered Mothers Custody Conference block.

A major focus this year will be to connect battered mothers with organizations working locally, nationally, and internationally to combat unjust family court practices that continue to do untold harm to battered mothers and their children.

For updated details and registration, please visit

Please reproduce and distribute this announcement and the conference brochure available online at


Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Remarks by the President at Domestic Violence Awareness Event TRANSCRIPT



As part of the White House activities today, this was also released. Let’s hope they are serious about this.

As part of ongoing Administration efforts to reduce domestic and sexual abuse, HHS, HUD, DOJ, Treasury, Labor and FDIC announce new initiatives to protect victims of abuse, provide resources to prevent abuse

Today, the Obama Administration is highlighting unprecedented coordination and cooperation across the entire government to protect victims of domestic and sexual violence and enable survivors to break the cycle of abuse. As part of this ongoing government-wide effort, HHS, HUD, DOJ, Treasury, Labor and FDIC today announced new initiatives to protect victims of abuse and provide resources for families and communities to prevent abuse. Violence is still a significant barrier in many women’s lives, and this Administration is committed to taking concrete action to reduce domestic violence in this country. One-in-every-four women experiences domestic violence during their lifetimes and more than 20 million women in the U.S. have been victims of rape. Approximately 15.5 million children are exposed to domestic violence every year. The impact of abuse lingers for years, both for victims and their children.

In response, the President has called on every agency in the Federal government to be part of the solution to ending violence against women. Domestic violence and sexual assault are not just criminal justice issues – the scope and far-reaching effects of violence require a coordinated response across the Federal government.

The initiatives announced and highlighted today demonstrate a broad, comprehensive response to reducing violence against women. Specifically, these concrete actions include steps to:
• Protect Children and Break the Cycle of Violence
• Improve Legal Protections for Victims of Domestic Violence
• Increase Sexual Assault Arrests and Successful Prosecutions
• Help Victims Regain Housing and Financial Independence

Protect Children and Break the Cycle of Violence
Intervening early to reach children and young families experiencing domestic and sexual violence is a crucial element of our strategy to end violence against women. Without intervention, children who witness violence are at greater risk of developing behavioral problems, psychiatric disorders, school failure, and violence against others.
• Through the Affordable Care Act’s new Pregnancy Assistance Fund, 5 states (NC, NM, OR, VA, and WA) will start this month providing help for pregnant women who are victims of domestic and sexual violence. High schools, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) offices, health clinics, and child welfare agencies will have tools to reach vulnerable women and connect them with services. One in twelve adult women are abused during pregnancy and 25-50% of adolescent mothers experience domestic violence before, during, or just after pregnancy. Children born to abused mothers are 30% more likely to require intensive care upon birth.
• The Affordable Care Act’s new Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program provides $1.5 billion over five years to States for evidence-based home visitation services. The law requires every state to consider domestic violence as one of six benchmarks in improving the health and safety of families in at-risk communities. Nurses, social workers, educators, child development specialists or other well-trained staff will promote the health and well-being of children and their families in these communities, intervening early to reduce rates of domestic violence and child abuse.
• The HHS Head Start program is reaching out to pregnant women and parents of young children to prevent and respond to domestic violence. Head Start centers in 6 states (AL, FL, MI, MT, NM, and SC) are launching a community-based Safe Families, Safe Homes early education curriculum. This effort will help Head Start staff and community partners identify and respond to young children exposed to violence. This week, HHS is also sending guidance to thousands of Head Start and other early childhood programs across the country and urging them to address domestic violence by providing these programs with information about the Safe Families, Safe Homes curriculum and other available resources.
• The Attorney General has launched the Defending Childhood Initiative to protect children from the harmful consequences of witnessing violence. The initiative will work to prevent exposure to all types of violence and build children’s resiliency to recover and thrive when violence does occur.
• The new HHS Enhancing Services for Children and Youth Exposed to Domestic Violence program supports innovative, evidence-informed services for children exposed to domestic violence. Starting this month, projects in four states (AK, NJ, ID, and WI) and a national clearinghouse will help children heal from the trauma of abuse and build stronger community services.

Improve Legal Protections for Victims of Domestic Violence
Providing victims with greater access to legal assistance and civil protection orders are essential strategies in reducing abuse. Studies show that access to legal services helps victims escape from abusive relationships, and that access to counsel has reduced domestic violence by as much as 21%. Protective orders are effective in reducing the level of violence and fear of harm for many victims, but they must be properly enforced.
• Today, the Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women, in partnership with the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, is releasing new tools for communities to improve enforcement of protective orders. Civil Protection Orders: A Guide for Improving Practice will keep victims and their children safe by providing guidance to advocates, attorneys, judges, law enforcement officers, and prosecutors to ensure that protective orders are issued, served and enforced throughout the United States.
• Today, the Department of Justice, with assistance from the White House, is launching Access to Justice for Domestic Violence Victims, a pilot project to encourage more commitment from the private bar to provide pro bono legal services to victims of domestic violence. Beginning in New Orleans and Baltimore, private law firms will hire law students who have participated in law school clinics and defer their start dates while they work at domestic violence service providers. The lawyers will help victims secure protective orders, navigate the family courts, and access safe housing. Access to Justice will encourage ongoing pro bono partnerships between private law firms, domestic violence service providers and law school clinics.

Increase Sexual Assault Arrests and Successful Prosecutions
One in six women and one in thirty-three men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetimes, but fewer than 1 in 6 rapes are reported to the police. Women who have been raped have high rates of PTSD, depression, anxiety, and suicide attempts.
• The Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) is launching a new national campaign to reduce sexual violence in the United States by improving the criminal justice system response, increasing services for victims, and changing attitudes. Today, the White House Council on Women and Girls and the Department of Justice held the first ever national roundtable on sexual violence at the White House. Over the next six months, OVW will hold regional forums around the country to engage the public in their sexual assault reduction campaign. In the 2011 budget, President Obama has proposed doubling funding for VAWA programs serving victims of sexual assault.
• Reducing the backlog of rape kits can be a powerful way to get rapists off the streets. Today, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is launching a new effort to identify long term solutions to the DNA backlog of sexual assault cases. In up to 5 jurisdictions, the project will team researchers with law enforcement agencies, crime labs, prosecutors, and victim advocates. The teams will identify underlying causes of the backlog, create new systems for tracking, screening and testing DNA evidence, and apply strategies to prevent backlogs from developing in the future. As a result of this project, NIJ aims to eliminate backlogs and develop innovative practices that can be adapted nationwide.

Help Victims Regain Housing and Financial Independence
Perpetrators of domestic violence often create serious obstacles that prevent victims from achieving economic independence and self-sufficiency. Without financial independence and a stable place to live, victims and their children are trapped with nowhere else to go. As a result, victims of domestic violence are often forced to choose between staying in an abusive relationship or facing economic hardship, poverty, and homelessness. But when victims improve their economic stability, they increase their likelihood of living separately from their abusers.
• Today, Secretary Donovan is releasing much-anticipated rules that provide guidance to housing authorities and landlords to evict perpetrators of abuse, keep their properties safe, and make sure victims do not lose their housing due to crimes committed against them. Prior to the passage of the Violence Against Women Act of 2005, victims of domestic violence were afraid to call the police or seek help because their landlords might find out about the assault and evict them. VAWA created new protections for victims in publicly assisted housing, but rules governing these provisions were never finalized.
• Last month, the Department of the Treasury and the White House convened domestic violence organizations, asset-building experts, credit union organizations, and other financial educators to determine ways to help victims build credit, access safe financial products, and save for the future. Treasury is working with the Financial Literacy and Education Commission, its website, the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability, and its private sector and government partners to connect domestic violence organizations with existing financial education and access resources.
• The FDIC is also helping victims recover from financial abuse by updating their popular Money Smart financial literacy curriculum to include information for victims of domestic violence. The new Money Smart curriculum will be available Friday, October 29th.
• Two weeks ago, HHS launched a new coordinated effort to ensure that more victims of domestic violence file for Federal refundable tax credits like the Earned Income Tax Credit, use low-cost tax preparation services, and use tax time as an opportunity to access tools like savings bonds that help them save for the future.
• Access to non-traditional job training can be an important tool for victims of domestic violence to rebuild financial stability. In the coming weeks, the Department of Labor Women’s Bureau is releasing A Woman’s Guide to Green Jobs and coordinating with Wider Opportunities for Women and the National Network to End Domestic Violence to make sure that survivors have access to new green jobs.
• Today, in partnership with the Family Violence Prevention Fund, the Office on Violence Against Women is launching a new virtual resource for employers to address the impacts of domestic violence in the workplace. provides new tools for employers, including interactive training and customized model policies to keep victims safely employed.

Respond to Urgent Needs with the President’s 2011 Budget Request
• In response to the need to strengthen services to victims, the President’s 2011 budget proposed an additional $130 million to help victims find shelter, counseling, legal assistance, transitional housing and other direct services. $100 million of the increase is from the Crime Victims’ Fund, which does not consist of taxpayer dollars; it is self-sustaining and supported by criminal fines, forfeited bail bonds, and penalties for federal offenders.

United States Human Rights report



This is quite shocking:

There is no federal law defining or prohibiting child prostitution

Monday, October 25, 2010

‘Long way to go’ on domestic violence

‘Long way to go’ on domestic violence

By denise crosby Oct 23, 2010 11:39PM

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Gabriella Ghobrial’s two-year-old son Riley was killed by his father five years ago.

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If evil had a face, it would be Anthony Mangiamele’s.

On Feb. 6, 2005, the Gilberts man snapped pictures of his 2-year-old son waving goodbye, and labeled the undeveloped roll “Riley’s last weekend.”

Then he backed the family’s SUV into the garage, created a makeshift bed for the toddler in the rear of the vehicle, put on the boy’s favorite CDs and started the truck’s engine with the garage door closed.

About eight hours later, police discovered the murder/suicide, along with the film and a barrage of letters and notes Mangiamele had written to his estranged wife, blaming her for the child’s death.

For five years, Gabriella Ghobrial has lived with the nightmare created by the monster.

She’s remarried now, to an Elgin police officer, has two stepchildren, still works as a nurse and has taken to running — lots of running — as a way of dealing with the horror.

But she doesn’t hate her child’s killer. She is, in fact, working on forgiveness because without it she believes she will not be able to get into heaven to see her baby again.

Instead, Ghobrial’s bitterness is focused directly on the system that failed her. Tony is dead and can’t be held accountable, she says.

“But I did what they told me to do. And still my baby died.”


In the two years Ghobrial and Mangiamele dated, he never revealed the monster. He was the perfect boyfriend and fiance, the perfect husband — until the return from the honeymoon.

That’s when he became angry, controlling, physically and verbally abusive. He cut her off from her family, chipping away at her self-esteem.

And her fears intensified after Riley’s birth. In November of 2004, when she talked of leaving him, Mangiamele threatened to harm their son if she carried through with her plans.

Ghobrial says she relayed her concerns to a counselor at work, who told her she was overreacting. But by the end of January, the situation had become so dire — he would often stalk her, flashing pictures of their son — police advised her to take out an emergency order of protection. She appealed to the Elgin Community Crisis Center for assistance, but no court advocate contacted her, she says.

On Jan. 24, 2005, a Monday, Ghobrial spent the entire day at the courthouse trying to get the emergency order of protection. Mangiamele showed up with his own attorney and threatened her again: “It would not take much for me to kill myself and take Riley with me,” he taunted.

With no domestic court judge available at the end of the long day, Kane County Judge William Weir was brought in, finally hearing the case at 5:30 p.m. Despite her tearful pleas that Mangiamele would harm Riley, Weir granted each party an order of protection — and gave unsupervised weekend visitation to the father.

“I had documented all the earlier threats, I told him my concerns,” she says, tears streaming down her face as she relives that fateful day. “But the judge didn’t even read them and called it a case of he said/she said.”

The next week, on Friday, Mangiamele picked up Riley from Ghobrial’s parents’ home in St. Charles, where she was living. She called frequently over the next two days, “but Tony would never put Riley on the phone.”

That Sunday, working a shift at Provena St. Joseph Hospital in Elgin, her fears escalated when she could not connect with Mangiamele. When her parents went to the father’s home at the 6 p.m. pickup time, no one answered the door and the windows were draped in paper. Police arrived, as did a panicked Ghobrial, who opened the doors to the house that was filled with carbon monoxide.

“He killed the baby,” she sobbed to her mother. “I told them he would do it.”

Riley was found next to his baby blanket in the back of the SUV, his arm raised above his head in his napping position. Mangiamele, with antihistamines in his system, was on a step in the garage. Police believe he watched his son die before succumbing to the gas himself.

“Nobody believed he would do this,” says Ghobrial, unable to stem the flow of tears. “I knew he would because it would hurt me the rest of my life.”

There are few in Kane County’s law enforcement or domestic violence field who do not remember Riley’s murder. One official called it the most hateful crime scene he’d ever witnessed.

And no one disagrees the system failed this mother and child.

Despite a process in place, “it is not perfect. We are human,” said Gretchen Vapnar, executive director of the Community Crisis Center in Elgin. “But we are working hard every day to make changes that will prevent this from happening again.”

But she agrees with Vicki Smith, who heads up the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence, “there’s still a long way to go.”

“If we say there’s a system in place, then it should be there.” says Smith. Unfortunately, “there’s growing evidence too many family courts still aren’t taking the problem seriously ... and too many judges continue to ignore the signs, the histories” of abuse.

Kane County State’s Attorney John Barsanti feels in the last few years there’s more awareness from the bench about “how bad things could go.” Yet he’s not sure whether it will ever be possible for judges to always make the right calls because of how complicated these cases can be. “There’s just too much room for human error,” he says.

No one knows that more than Gabriella Ghobrial.


According to news reports, when Judge Weir turned in his resignation to the Illinois Supreme Court chief justice, no reason was cited. But Ghobrial can’t help but wonder about the date on the single-sentence letter of resignation: Feb. 6, 2009 — the fourth anniversary of Riley’s death.

Attempts to reach Weir were unsuccessful.

After burying her son, Ghobrial contacted a team of lawyers and found out about immunity granted to judges. So she thanked the police for their work and helped dedicate a neighborhood park in Gilberts in Riley’s name. “There is no justice,” she says.

People have asked Ghobrial — who is beautiful, educated and articulate — to become an advocate for domestic violence prevention. But her grief is still too raw, and she chooses instead to put her time and money toward children battling cancer.

“Who would I write to?” she asks. “Nobody listened to me.” 



Kentucky Judge Rice-Holderfield Court Whore

Exposing the dirty little secrets of family court.

CHRISTIAN COFFEY SPEAKS OUT! Christian is getting the word out, who in turn is getting the word to us.
please visit these sites to see the horrible injustices of Christian Coffey

Judge Catherine Rice Holderfield CHILD TRAFFICKING


The below are messages that dear Christian Leaked out and they were posted to many advocates pages what follows are His messages.

  • Christian feels his counselor Fane and his father Steven are ganging up on him, and not listening to what he wants. FB Stop the Abuse of Christian Coffey
  • Christian says his counselor Fane makes him sit in a certain chair face his father Steve and Christian can't say the word ABUSE, BEAT,or FEAR, he has to call his beating with a belt a SPANKING GONE WRONG! Also Fane made another rule, that Chrsitian can not mention his girlfriends name in his counseling sessions because his father Steve Coffey loses control and gets very angry.
  • Christian said, "My own counselor does not believe my Father abused me! He won't let me speak of it, on my terms!"
  • Christian said, "I don't know how much more of this I can take...I have to sit there and answer their stupid questions...until I say what they want me to say..."or I sit there and don't say anything and my Father say's well until you want to tell the truth about what is really going on I guess you will rot in Foster Care!
  • Christian said, " I have asked the Foster Mom, Edin, and Mike Pierce, and Fane if I can contact my lawyer...they all act like I can't know anything about the court stuff but, I want to talk to her to tell her what they are doing!"
  • Christian said, " I snuck and e-mailed her a couple of times but, since I don't have that anymore I don't know if she tried to contact me ...also if she calls I am sure no-one will tell me"
  • Christian said, " Last Wednesday when my Father visited me at the Cabinet...Edin was not supervising but some girl was..and my Father started calling me a liar and he was so angry and I was afraid the girl started crying who was suppose to be watching us, while my Father became angrier and calling me names saying he would make sure I stayed in Foster Care and not go to my Mom's ever again...the girl left and that was terrible because I did not know what he would do! Another worker showed up and talked to my Father in private, then she came back to talk to make sure I was okay....she really cared...she made my Father leave!
  • Christian said,
    "I went to see the new Doctor about my Kidneys...and the Foster Mom lied to my Mom and said the Doctor said everything was fine...He dd not say that and she was not even there...he said he would review the tests from the other doctor and wait on blood work...and he made me another appointment...

We wont stop being Christians Voice

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Posted by Nancy Carroll

Kansas Clown Jason P. Hoffman Corrupts Justice Again: Claudine Dombrowski is Screwed Over As Usual in Court



If anyone should face jail time it is snorting Topeka lawyer Jason P. Hoffman for aiding and abetting a convicted abuser Hal Richardson and for lying in court (yeah, I’m not forgetting he claimed Claudine was me….Hoffman LIED willingly after I provided information in this blog identifying me as being in the court room with her in January).

This past Tuesday, three days before this rally shown above, Claudine was found to be “dangerous” in Shawnee County’s Kangaroo Court with Judge David Debenham.  Judge Debenham also should be facing jail time for illegally taking this case from another judge. Here are pictures of “dangerous” Claudine:

Claudine after giving birth to Rikki in 1994 (see her black eyes!)

A very "dangerous Claudine" after ex-husband Hal Richardson beat her with a crowbar in 1996.

"Dangerous Claudine" after ex-husband Hal Richardson raped and beat her in 2000.

Claudine became so "dangerous" ex-husband Hal Richardson had to hire someone to assault her in 2003.

Read about Claudine’s case here at Stop Family Violence.

Lastly, corrupt Guardian ad Litem Jill Dykes, who fought to have Claudine punished for having an image of her own daughter Rikki on the internet, has posted her own pictures of Rikki on her Facebook page (we have the screen shots).  And had her husband call Claudine and threaten her (probably because she is so dangerous).  Ooooooooh.  I see jail in her future.  If not, you can bet she and her corrupt buddies probably bought her way out of it.  Jill Dykes actually lunged and screamed at Claudine at the court house last week when she saw she had the pictures.  What an incredibly poor excuse for a human being this Jill Dykes is!  I think this time they all went too far and will be paying the price for it.

The biggest victim of all is Rikki Dombrowski, who was crying to Claudine this past spring on the phone that she was not being allowed by daddy Hal Richardson to see her mom on a two hour visitation.  This was the last time any excuse was given…they just failed to show up for the court-ordered visitation thereafter.  How heartbreaking…Rikki was ripped apart because she couldn’t see her mother.  Now she is bullied to say what daddy wants.  She knows what daddy is capable of.  Just look at the pictures above.





  • Anita says:

    OCTOBER 24, 2010 AT 12:39 PM

    This is so over the top ….Why arent mothers and real men accross the country not rallying together to demand the court abusers and legislators are held accountable …..This is not application of the law !!! This is blatant anarchy and massive FRAUD, ABUSE, and WASTE of TAXPAYERS MONEY that funds the corruption. There are no “EFFECTIVE WATCHDOGS ….doing their jobs !!!! For example look at CA and the Failure to facilitate the auditing of the two counties family courts for excessive abuses of powers, as was ordered by the legislature …. and then look at NYS exposecorruptcourts ….then ask when is the DOJ going to get off their taxpayer paid asses and start getting to work ??? Obama maybe you could actually put some of the people back to work instead of throwing our money to the wall street crooks in step with the previous administrations; or do you find it that difficult to find honest legal professionals…instead of destroying the good attorney’s like CA’s Richard Fine, or FL’s Jack Thompson, & Montgomery Sibley who fought for his client Merrie Morris ??

    Damn it this is court ordered child abuse and it’s time all taxpaying citizens speak up and demand the politicians take action now to end this heinous social cancer ….the HHS-ACF now Directed by Kathleen Sebelius is responsible for the Fatherhood programs funding that is fueling this national disgrace … The 2008 General Accounting Office report confirms there is zero accountability for the massive funding being used to orchestrate custody switchings to abusers …the more abusive patterns the more funding goes to the state. All states are abusing the various fatherhood programs …..and no one is paying any attention because the gutless politicians wont take the time to face the facts ….

    Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius was chosen by Barack Obama in 2009 to become head of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. She has been governor of Kansas since 2003. Sebelius comes from a political family: her father, John Gilligan, was the governor of Ohio from 1971-1975. She grew up in Cincinnati and attended Trinity College in Washington, D.C., where she got a bachelor’s degree in 1970. She married K. Gary Sebelius in 1974 and moved to his native Kansas, where she earned a master’s in public administration from the University of Kansas (1978). After several years as director of the Kansas Trial Lawyers Association, she served in the Kansas House of Representatives from 1987-94. Sebelius was the state’s insurance commissioner from 1995-2003 before her election as governor in 2002. A Democrat, she was reelected to a second four-year term in 2006. She must be confirmed by the U.S. Senate before she takes office as Secretary of HHS.

    How dispicable that one of the worst cases cited within the International Human Rights Complaint is situated in Kansas and now the former Kansas Governor is HHS Sec., following in the same old patterns of anti – constitutional bad government policy !!! Any of the political idiots ever read the US Constitution ??? Ever consider how highly discriminatory the so called responsible Fatherhood programs are ??? Ever stop to consider that ” THE TEST OF A SOCIETY IS WHAT IT DOES FOR IT’S CHILDREN” …..the US Government has the audacity to send our men and boys to fight in Iraq claiming that the Taliban is bad … why is this Government spending our tax money on the American Taliban ?????

    BTW …..there’s a much bigger picture than just the FAMILY COURTS CRISIS & court ordered child abuse ….there is CPS corruption gone wild, (just look at NY’S CPS run juvenile centers sex parties scandals) an out of control CHILD SEXUALIZATION INDUSTRY thanks to bad US Government policy all of which is tied to the AFCC & it’s associated org.s …see and get educated !!!

    Consider printing this and faxing to every one of your state Senate and Congressional Reps ….ask them What Are They Going to Do About this cancer ???? And dont limit consideration to these politicians ….cast a wide net ….it’s elections time and Im damned curious who’se got the guts to actually do something for the people instead of for themselves ….

Friday, October 22, 2010

Marchers Decry Domestic Violence in TOPEKA KANSAS

    Photo 1 of 3


    Claudine Dombrowski, 45, of Topeka, who described herself as a victim of domestic violence, shows one of the signs she carried in Friday's "March to Action" in downtown Topeka. The march, which attracted about 100 participants, was held in conjunction with the YWCA's Week Without Violence.

    Photo 1 of 3



    October 22, 2010 - 1:08pm

    Participants in Friday afternoon's "March to Action" in downtown Topeka varied in age, race and gender.

    Some marchers held signs and chanted slogans, while others walked silently.

    Yet all carried the same message: Domestic violence must be confronted, it must be stopped, and survivors must be supported.

    "I'm a survivor who lost everything but my life," said Claudine Dombrowski, 45, of Topeka, who said she has been at all 16 marches held each October in conjunction with the YWCA's Week Without Violence. "I come out here every year to bring awareness, because I can't let it keep happening to other people."

    About 100 people turned out for the march, which started on the south side of the Statehouse and ended about two blocks south at the YWCA of Topeka, 225 S.W. 12th.

    Before the march left the Statehouse, participants were urged by Kansas Attorney General Steve Six to be aware of people they knew who may be victims of domestic violence — and to assist them in seeking help.

    Six also applauded volunteers who work with domestic violence victims, and prosecutors who hold perpetrators responsible for their crimes.

    Among local law enforcement heads taking part in the walk were Topeka Police Chief Ron Miller, Shawnee County Sheriff Dick Barta and Shawnee County District Attorney Chad Taylor.

    Jay Rice, 26, of Meriden, came with several other students from Washburn University, where he is a senior.

    Rice said the march was a way of keeping domestic violence in front of a public that might prefer not to deal with the issue.

    "It's a good way to put it out in front of everybody," he said. "Even if they don't want to see it, they get a little glimpse of it."

    Elizabeth Johnson, 32, of Topeka, another marcher, said she was a domestic violence survivor.

    A fiance in college, she said, was the abuser.

    "By God's grace," she said, "I was able to get out of that relationship."

    Like other marchers on the cloudy Friday afternoon, Johnson said the subject of domestic violence was too important to ignore.

    "I think it's something that's just not talked about," she said. "That's why I'm here — I want to raise awareness and stand up for the people who don't have a voice. And a lot of these women just don't have a voice."

    The Week Without Violence started Sunday evening with a prayer vigil for victims and survivors at Grace Episcopal Cathedral, a showing of the film "Telling Amy's Story" at the Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library and a teen program titled "Relationship Ready!" at Royal Valley High School in Hoyt.

    The Week Without Violence concludes Saturday, with two youth-oriented programs.

    "Story Time for Kids" will take place from 11 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday at the Toy Store, 5300 S.W. 21st. Children will be treated to the short play "Strength," about a group of animals that learn the difference between being strong and being violent.

    The final event will be the "Speak Up, Speak Out Teen Art Night" at 7 p.m. Saturday at the Live Music Institute, 5224 S.W. 17th. Topeka high school and middle school students get the chance to speak about healthy relationships through artwork, the spoken word and music.

    Phil Anderson can be reached at (785) 295-1195 or

    Thursday, October 21, 2010

    THE WOMAN SUFFRAGE TIMELINE What does the future hold?




    The following timeline gives the highlights of information you can find in the History of Woman Suffrage Book List.  The 1848 Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention Declaration of Sentimentsalso can be found on this site.

    1776 Abigail Adams writes to her husband, John Adams, asking him to "remember the ladies" in the new code of laws. Adams replies the men will fight the "despotism of the petticoat."

    1777 Women lose the right to vote in New York.

    1780 Women lose the right to vote in Massachusetts.

    1784 Women lose the right to vote in New Hampshire.

    1787 U.S. Constitutional Convention places voting qualifications in the hands of the states. Women in all states except New Jersey lose the right to vote.

    1792 Mary Wollstonecraft publishes Vindication of the Rights of Women in England.

    1807 Women lose the right to vote in New Jersey, the last state to revoke the right.

    1830s Women Join the Abolitionist Movement.  Formation of the female anti-slavery associations

    1836 Angelina Grimke appeals to Southern women to speak out against slavery.

    1837 The "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Massachusetts to the Congregational Churches Under Their Care" is promulgated against women speaking in public against slavery, it is mainly directed against the Grimke sisters.

    1840 World Anti-Slavery Convention in London. Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and other women barred from participating on account of their sex.

    1848 First Women's Rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York. Equal suffrage proposed by Elizabeth Cady Stanton. After debate of so radical a notion, it is adopted. Declaration of Sentiments.

    1850 Women's rights convention held in April in Salem, Ohio. First national women's rights convention held in October in Worcester, Massachusetts.

    1850-1861 Annual Women's Rights conventions held. The last, in 1861, in Albany, New York lobbies for a liberalized divorce bill. Horace Greely opposes the bill, which loses.

    1861-1865 Civil War. Over the objections of Susan B. Anthony, women put aside suffrage activities to help the war effort.

    1867 Fourteenth Amendment passes Congress, defining citizens as "male;" this is the first use of the word male in the Constitution. Kansas campaign for black and woman suffrage: both lose. Susan B. Anthony forms Equal Rights Association, working for universal suffrage. Suffrage Movement Divides Over Black v. Woman Suffrage.

    1868 Fourteenth amendment ratified. Fifteenth Amendment passes Congress, giving the vote to black men. Women petition to be included but are turned down. Formation of New England Woman Suffrage Association. In New Jersey, 172 women attempt to vote; their ballots are ignored.

    1869 Frederick Douglass and others back down from woman suffrage to concentrate on fight for black male suffrage. National Woman Suffrage Association formed in May with Elizabeth Cady Stanton as president. American Woman Suffrage Association formed in November with Henry Ward Beecher as president. In England, John Stuart Mill, economist and husband of suffragist Harriet Taylor, publishes On the Subjugation of Women. Wyoming territory grants first woman suffrage since 1807. Civil Disobedience Is Tried.

    1870 Fifteenth Amendment ratified. The Grimke sisters, now quite aged, and 42 other women attempt to vote in Massachusetts, their ballots are cast but ignored. Utah territory grants woman suffrage.

    1871 The Anti-Suffrage Society is formed.

    1872 Susan B. Anthony and supporters arrested for voting. Anthony's sisters and 11 other women held for $500 bail. Anthony herself is held for $1000 bail.

    1873 Denied a trial by jury, Anthony loses her case in June and is fined $100 plus costs. Suffrage demonstration at the Centennial of the Boston Tea Party.

    1874 Protest at a commemoration of the Battle of Lexington. In Myner v. Happerstett the U.S. Supreme Court decides that being a citizen does not guarantee suffrage. Women's Christian Temperance Union formed.

    1876 On July 4, in Philadelphia, Susan B. Anthony reads The Declaration for the Rights of Women from a podium in front of the Liberty Bell. The crowd cheers. Later, the suffragists meet in the historic First Unitarian Church.

    1878 Woman suffrage amendment first introduced in U.S. Congress.

    1880 Lucretia Mott, born in 1793, dies.

    1882 The House and Senate appoint committees on woman suffrage, both report favorably.

    1884 Belva Lockwood runs for president. The U.S. House of Representatives debates woman suffrage.

    1886 Women protest being excluded from the dedication ceremonies for the Statue of Liberty. Suffrage amendment reaches the U.S. Senate floor, it is defeated two to one.

    1887 Utah women lose the right to vote.

    1890 The NWSA and the AWSA merge to form NAWSA. The focus turns to working at the state level. Campaign loses in South Dakota.

    1893 Matilda Joslyn Gage publishes Woman, Church and State. After a vigorous campaign led by Carrie Chapman Catt, Colorado men vote for woman suffrage.

    1894 Despite 600,000 signatures, a petition for woman suffrage is ignored in New York. Lucy Stone, born in 1818, dies.

    1895 Elizabeth Cady Stanton publishes The Woman's Bible. Utah women regain suffrage.

    1896 Idaho grants woman suffrage. Susan B. Anthony addresses NAWSA in defense of The Woman's Bible.

    1900 Carrie Chapman Catt takes over the reins of the NAWSA.ALICE PAUL

    1902 Elizabeth Cady Stanton, born in 1815, dies.

    1904 NAWSA adopts Declaration of Principles

    1906 Susan Brownell Anthony, born in 1820, dies.

    1907 Harriet Stanton Blatch, Elizabeth's daughter, forms the Equality League of Self Supporting Women which becomes the Women's Political Union in 1910. She introduces the English suffragists' tactics of parades, street speakers, and pickets.

    1910 Washington (state) grants woman suffrage.

    1911 California grants woman suffrage. In New York City, 3,000 march for suffrage.

    1912 Teddy Roosevelt's Progressive Party includes woman suffrage in their platform. Oregon, Arizona, and Kansas grant woman suffrage.

    1913 Women's Suffrage parade on the eve of Wilson's inauguration is attacked by a mob. Hundreds of women are injured, no arrests are made. Alaskan Territory grants suffrage. Illinois grants municipal and presidential but not state suffrage to women.

    1916 Alice Paul and others break away from the NASWA and form the National Women's Party.

    1917 Beginning in January, NWP posts silent "Sentinels of Liberty" at the White House. In June, the arrests begin. Nearly 500 women are arrested, 168 women serve jail time, some are brutalized by their jailers. North Dakota, Indiana, Nebraska, and Michigan grant presidential suffrage; Arkansas grants primary suffrage. New York, South Dakota, and Oklahoma state constitutions grant suffrage.

    1918 The jailed suffragists released from prison. Appellate court rules all the arrests were illegal. President Wilson declares support for suffrage. Suffrage Amendment passes U.S. House with exactly a two-thirds vote but loses by two votes in the Senate.

    1919 In January, the NWP lights and guards a "Watchfire for Freedom." It is maintained until the Suffrage Amendment passes U.S. Senate on June 4. The battle for ratification by at least 36 states begins.

    1920 The Nineteenth Amendment, called the Susan B. Anthony Amendment, is ratified by Tennessee on August 18. It becomes law on August 26, 1920.

    Women gained the vote in 1920 after 72 years
    of the LARGEST civil rights movement

    in the HISTORY of the world.

    What does the future hold?

    The world learns about the corruption in Shawnee County (Topeka, Kansas)

    By Silverside at DastardlyDads

    The world learns about the corruption in Shawnee County (Topeka, Kansas)

    In the old days (pre-Internet), it was easy for the good ol' boys to pull their deals with impunity. After all, the editor of the local paper was probably an old frat brother. And the DA, who's most likely a drinking buddy, was hardly going to rock the boat either. So word was not going to get out. Except slowly. By mimeographed pages. By word of mouth.

    That's changed. They good ol' boys still pull their deals, but increasingly, they can no longer do so in secrecy.

    Since I posted "Sham in Shawnee County" less than 24 hours ago, these are just a few of the places where readers have learned about what has happened to protective mother Claudine Dombrowski in the courts of Shawnee County, Kansas.

    State of Kansas (US)



    Lecompton (Hello Mr. Hoffman and staff! Glad you could join us.)

    Overland Park





    Elsewhere in the US


    Rancho Cordova, California

    Wolcott, Connecticut

    Washington, DC

    Fort Launderdale, Florida

    Ormond Beach, Florida

    Port Saint Lucie, Florida

    Cedartown, Georgia

    Richmond, Kentucky

    Winchester, Massachusetts

    Jamestown, New York

    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    Springfield, Tennessee

    Dallas, Texas

    Seattle, Washington

    Kenosha, Wisconsin


    Outside the US


    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Queensland, Australia

    Quebec, Canada

    Hamburg, Germany

    Nairobi, Kenya


    So yes, the world is watching and learning.

    Wednesday, October 20, 2010

    Sham in Shawnee County (Topeka, Kansas) protective mother CLAUDINE DOMBROWSKI

    This post by Dastardly Dads Claudine did not write this and did NOT post it.


    Sham in Shawnee County (Topeka, Kansas)

    The last time I did court watch for protective mother CLAUDINE DOMBROWSKI, I called my subsequent posting on the experience "Showdown in Shawnee County." See the post here:

    I can't even call the hearing held on October 19, 2010 a showdown. It was just a sham.

    Let's do a little review. Claudine is a battered mother who lost custody of her only daughter in an ex parte hearing in 2004. (Ex parte means the mother wasn't even represented at the hearing.) Since then, she has had very little visitation. The hearing in January 2010 (see post above) was supposed to fix that. And finally, Claudine was awarded two hours of unsupervised visitation on Sunday and telephone contact twice a week. We figured it was a start.

    Well, this was not to be. And not because of anything Claudine did.

    As Claudine testified, visitation went well. She taught her now teenage daughter to drive. They shopped. They went to Barnes and Noble. They talked about girl stuff. Boy stuff. Just like any other mother and daughter. In fact, Claudine was able to enjoy her first mother's day with her daughter in ten years. There were no negative interactions. In fact, it looked like some serious healing was going on.

    And in that lays the problem. You see, abusers and their enablers don't like healing. They find that supremely threatening to their power and control. So of course, the process must be stopped lest their domination of the child and the overall "situation" be compromised.

    So in May 2010, all visitation stopped at Dad HAL RICHARDSON's personal discretion--which he admitted during his own testimony. He made the unilateral decision that he would no longer take his daughter to the law enforcement center for visitation (presumably at her "request"--but more on that later.) He made sure that during the times of designated phone contact, the phone was never answered as it was set on fax. (Dad admitted under oath that the phone does go to fax mode when not answered--though he denied "inhibiting" phone access, which is not surprising. But then, how did Mom know to testify that the phone was set on fax when she called? Oh those little details....) But of course, Dad didn't exactly encourage or welcome contact either--that much was evident. In fact, it was pretty clear to me that he was extremely negative about Claudine, and doing his best to crush any contact between her and her daughter.

    But like many abusers, he projected his own motives onto the child, now a teenager. SHE was the one who was "uncomfortable." She was the one who was "afraid." Afraid of what? Physical abuse, sexual violence? No, there was no evidence of that beyond vague innuendos about "fighting" that allegedly occurred in the distant past (These innuendos weren't even brought up in January. Must be a new game plan.)

    Apparently we are supposed to believe that this teenage girl is "afraid" because Mom allegedly doesn't "follow the rules." What rules? Apparently the court's rules regarding discussion of this case.

    All this was echoed by Guardian ad Litem JILL DYKES. And once again, just as in January, Ms. Dykes didn't even feign professional neutrality in this case, as she literally sat at Daddy's elbow the whole time.

    Are you kidding me? The typical teenager would blow off a parent's attempt to discuss court matters--ASSUMING any such discussion took place, which Claudine denies. They certainly wouldn't be "afraid" of such a discussion. Annoyed perhaps. But not "afraid" or traumatized. This is just classic projection. That this teenager is such a hothouse flower that she is somehow irreparably injured by any possible or potential references to her parents' legal issues, which I'm sure she already knows all about anyway. Nonsense.

    I would humbly suggest that it is Hall Richardson and his enablers who are "afraid" of any possible open or frank discussion of this case. Or any contact between this mother and daughter. And their little "feelings" shouldn't play any part in this.

    Under Kansas law, visitation isn't shut off because somebody is "uncomfortable" for vague and specious reasons. If that were the case, then controlling and manipulative parents would be cutting off access for whatever reason they dreamed up that day.

    Unfortunately, given the dynamics of domestic violence, children who are in the control of abusers often find it necessary to parrot what the abusers want for their own survival. Which makes if very difficult for this child to speak up and articulate what she wants--except in private to her own mother.

    And frankly, this ordeal shows a complete double standard. Were this a custodial mother blocking visitation for such vague and specious reasons, she would no doubt be labeled as an "alienator" with "parental alienation syndrome" (PAS). And the situation would be addressed immediately--either visitation would be enforced by the courts or the mother would lose custody all together. But I digress.

    So no visitation from May to the present. But this actually was a minor issue as far as the court was concerned.

    No, once again our major concern was Claudine's political activity. The players in Shawnee County are very upset with how well known this case has become (my last blog posting on this case had readers as far away as Australia.) And they are blaming Claudine for all of it, even though when pushed, Judge DAVID DEBENHEIM fiercely denied that he was trying to "stomp" on Claudine's first amendment rights. (Huh. Could have fooled me.)

    But even in cases where OTHER bloggers like Nancy Carroll at Rights for Mothers had discussed this case (, Claudine was blamed. In fact, the opposing attorney submitted into evidence printouts from NANCY's blog to show that Claudine was out of compliance with their gag order. Message to the Hoffmans: Nancy is not Claudine. I'm not Claudine either, for that matter. And you can't shut us up.

    And honestly, did the Hoffmans really have to embarass their employee like that? They trotted out a young and painfully ignorant employee of theirs to "testify" about Claudine's "alleged" facebook and twitter activities. This fresh-faced young woman--no more than a high school graduate with a few "computer" classes--earnestly told us that every posting and link on somebody's facebook page had to personally "approved" and/or "posted" by that person. Yes, dear friends. She did say that. And meant it too, so far as I can tell. I won't give her name, though it's in my notes. I refuse to further humilate her. But honestly, your great aunt Rose probably knows more about facebook than this girl.

    So the significance of this was what? There are supposedly "references" to her case on Claudine's facebook page! Oh the horror! And you know what? This blog may very well end up with a link on Claudine's facebook page, too--through an automatic feed mechanism. It will go straight to facebook--even when Claudine is sleeping or brushing her teeth. Or sitting in court. Because you know what? Claudine is a well networked activist with probably hundreds of facebook friends working on issues related to child abuse, domestic violence, human rights, and family court reform. Many of us have discussed this case before. Just as we have discussed many other cases like this one, where the courts have backed up the abuser and shut out or ignored the protective mother. And for your information, you'll find articles and links about those cases as well.

    And all this policing of Claudine's personal and political activities on the internet is particularly hypocritical when you consider the following: Attorney JASON B. HOFFMAN and GAL JILL DYKES had no qualms about violating professional ethical boundaries and becoming facebook "friends" with this child! (I saw the screen shots.) Mom can't even post a photo of her daughter per court order, but these folks feel free to do as they like. Not that the judge was interested in this matter at all. Big surprise there.

    And this is the crux of the matter. What the court in Shawnee County REALLY doesn't like is that--as they put it--this lady "has a cause." Or she has "become a cause." They don't like the "venom" (i.e. the truth) that has come out about this case, and the attention it has received nationally and even internationally. They don't even like Claudine's facial expressions! (Yes, the judge made a point of addressing this. "You are your own worst enemy!" he thundered at Claudine--apparently over some grimace or frown that I didn't see.)

    So make sure you never show anything but a happy face in front of Judge Debenham, even when you are possibly losing all contact with your only child!

    Claudine is supposed to hear later this afternoon what the court's decision is--after her daughter will presumably be allowed to speak her mind with the judge. But of course, she can't really speak her mind--not as long as she's a minor and dependent on her father.

    We are not optimistic as to the outcome.

    But you know what? In a little over two years, this girl ages out of the system's control over her life. Perhaps then, real change will come about. Abusers and their enablers often win the battles. But they seldom win the war. That puts off any real healing in this case for another two years.

    But at least it's something to hope for.

    Posted by silverside at 9:48 AM

    Labels: child custody, custodial dad, custodial father, custody/visitation,domestic violence, DV, Kansas


    cricket1234 said...

    Oh my goodness! Are you kidding me!!!! Where is the judicial protocol in this case? I do not understand why the Legislators, and other political allies have not been brought into this situation. I would scream from every podium I could buy, rent or borrow, to let every single person in the state of Kansas know what was going on in their court systems!

    All judges are elected... It is an election year, get out there and get this judge ousted!

    October 20, 2010 6:44 PM




    Nancy Carroll I, Nancy Carroll, wrote this blog post on my blog, with the main portion being repost from silverside. Neither one of us are Claudine Dombrowski, even though pea-brained Jason P. Hoffman believes it to be so.


    Hey, Jason P. Hoffman.  Idiot.  I, Nancy Carroll, was in the court room with Claudine in January.  I had the purple scarf on, gray shirt with purple writing on it.  I sat in the front row, writing notes, such as every time you snorted or every time Jill Dykes rolled her eyes.  So stop lying in court.  I know it’s hard to control yourself, but try.  You are a disgrace to the human race.  You’d do anything to accommodate Waste of Skin Abuser Hal Richardson and corrupt GAL Jill Dykes, who has pictures of Rikki Dombrowski posted on the internet.   Rikki’s own mother is forbidden to, but this low-life excuse of humanity has Rikki up on her Facebook.  Along with her own daughter.  But this is the standard practice for well-paid slimebags who protect and promote abusers in court.

    This is from the blogger from Dastardly Dads, who was in the court room in January with me (taking notes also).  I couldn’t make it this time, but she was there again.  Great update sweetie…thanks.

    Sham in Shawnee County (Topeka, Kansas)

    The last time I did court watch for protective mother CLAUDINE DOMBROWSKI, I called my subsequent posting on the experience “Showdown in Shawnee County.” See the post here:

    I can’t even call the hearing held on October 19, 2010 a showdown. It was just a sham.

    Let’s do a little review. Claudine is a battered mother who lost custody of her only daughter in an ex parte hearing in 2004. (Ex parte means the mother wasn’t even represented at the hearing.) Since then, she has had very little visitation. The hearing in January 2010 (see post above) was supposed to fix that. And finally, Claudine was awarded two hours of unsupervised visitation on Sunday and telephone contact twice a week. We figured it was a start.

    Well, this was not to be. And not because of anything Claudine did.

    As Claudine testified, visitation went well. She taught her now teenage daughter to drive. They shopped. They went to Barnes and Noble. They talked about girl stuff. Boy stuff. Just like any other mother and daughter. In fact, Claudine was able to enjoy her first mother’s day with her daughter in ten years. There were no negative interactions. In fact, it looked like some serious healing was going on.

    And in that lays the problem. You see, abusers and their enablers don’t like healing. They find that supremely threatening to their power and control. So of course, the process must be stopped lest their domination of the child and the overall “situation” be compromised.

    So in May 2010, all visitation stopped at Dad HAL RICHARDSON’s personal discretion–which he admitted during his own testimony. He made the unilateral decision that he would no longer take his daughter to the law enforcement center for visitation (presumably at her “request”–but more on that later.) He made sure that during the times of designated phone contact, the phone was never answered as it was set on fax. (Dad admitted under oath that the phone does go to fax mode when not answered–though he denied “inhibiting” phone access, which is not surprising. But then, how did Mom know to testify that the phone was set on fax when she called? Oh those little details….) But of course, Dad didn’t exactly encourage or welcome contact either–that much was evident. In fact, it was pretty clear to me that he was extremely negative about Claudine, and doing his best to crush any contact between her and her daughter.

    But like many abusers, he projected his own motives onto the child, now a teenager. SHE was the one who was “uncomfortable.” She was the one who was “afraid.” Afraid of what? Physical abuse, sexual violence? No, there was no evidence of that beyond vague innuendos about “fighting” that allegedly occurred in the distant past (These innuendos weren’t even brought up in January. Must be a new game plan.)

    Apparently we are supposed to believe that this teenage girl is “afraid” because Mom allegedly doesn’t “follow the rules.” What rules? Apparently the court’s rules regarding discussion of this case.

    All this was echoed by Guardian ad Litem JILL DYKES. And once again, just as in January, Ms. Dykes didn’t even feign professional neutrality in this case, as she literally sat at Daddy’s elbow the whole time.

    Are you kidding me? The typical teenager would blow off a parent’s attempt to discuss court matters–ASSUMING any such discussion took place, which Claudine denies. They certainly wouldn’t be “afraid” of such a discussion. Annoyed perhaps. But not “afraid” or traumatized. This is just classic projection. That this teenager is such a hothouse flower that she is somehow irreparably injured by any possible or potential references to her parents’ legal issues, which I’m sure she already knows all about anyway. Nonsense.

    I would humbly suggest that it is Hall Richardson and his enablers who are “afraid” of any possible open or frank discussion of this case. Or any contact between this mother and daughter. And their little “feelings” shouldn’t play any part of this.

    Under Kansas law, visitation isn’t shut off because somebody is “uncomfortable” for vague and specious reasons. If that were the case, then controlling and manipulative parents would be cutting off access for whatever reason they dreamed up that day.

    Unfortunately, given the dynamics of domestic violence, children who are in the control of abusers often find it necessary to parrot what the abusers want for their own survival. Which makes if very difficult for this child to speak up and articulate what she wants–except in private to her own mother.

    And frankly, this ordeal shows a complete double standard. Were this a custodial mother blocking visitation for such vague and specious reasons, she would no doubt be labeled as an “alienator” with “parental alienation syndrome” (PAS). And the situation would be addressed immediately–either visitation would be enforced by the courts or the mother would lose custody all together. But I digress.

    So no visitation from May to the present. But this actually was a minor issue as far as the court was concerned.

    No, once again our major concern was Claudine’s political activity. The players in Shawnee County are very upset with how well known this case has become (my last blog posting on this case had readers as far away as Australia.) And they are blaming Claudine for all of it, even though when pushed, Judge DAVID DEBENHEIM fiercely denied that he was trying to “stomp” on Claudine’s first amendment rights. (Huh. Could have fooled me.)

    But even in cases where OTHER bloggers like Nancy Carroll at Rights for Mothers had discussed this case (, Claudine was blamed. In fact, the opposing attorney submitted into evidence printouts from NANCY’s blog to show that Claudine was out of compliance with their gag order. Message to the Hoffmans: Nancy is not Claudine. I’m not Claudine either, for that matter. And you can’t shut us up.

    And honestly, did the Hoffmans really have to embarass their employee like that? They trotted out a young and painfully ignorant employee of theirs to “testify” about Claudine’s “alleged” facebook and twitter activities. This fresh-faced young woman–no more than a high school graduate with a few “computer” classes–earnestly told us that every posting and link on somebody’s facebook page had to personally “approved” and/or “posted” by that person. Yes, dear friends. She did say that. And meant it too, so far as I can tell. I won’t give her name, though it’s in my notes. I refuse to further humilate her. But honestly, your great aunt Rose probably knows more about facebook than this girl.

    So the significance of this was what? There are supposedly “references” to her case on Claudine’s facebook page! Oh the horror! And you know what? This blog may very well end up with a link on Claudine’s facebook page, too–through an automatic feed mechanism. It will go straight to facebook–even when Claudine is sleeping or brushing her teeth. Or sitting in court. Because you know what? Claudine is a well networked activist with probably hundreds of facebook friends working on issues related to child abuse, domestic violence, human rights, and family court reform. Many of us have discussed this case before. Just as we have discussed many other cases like this one, where the courts have backed up the abuser and shut out or ignored the protective mother. And for your information, you’ll find articles and links about those cases as well.

    And all this policing of Claudine’s personal and political activities on the internet is particularly hypocritical when you consider the following: Attorney JASON B. HOFFMAN and GAL JILL DYKES had no qualms about violating professional ethical boundaries and becoming facebook “friends” with this child! (I saw the screen shots.) Mom can’t even post a photo of her daughter per court order, but these folks feel free to do as they like. Not that the judge was interested in this matter at all. Big surprise there.

    And this is the crux of the matter. What the court in Shawnee County REALLY doesn’t like is that–as they put it–this lady “has a cause.” Or she has “become a cause.” They don’t like the “venom” (i.e. the truth) that has come out about this case, and the attention it has received nationally and even internationally. They don’t even like Claudine’s facial expressions! (Yes, the judge made a point of addressing this. “You are your own worst enemy!” he thundered at Claudine–apparently over some grimace or frown that I didn’t see.)

    So make sure you never show anything but a happy face in front of Judge Debenham, even when you are possibly losing all contact with your only child!

    Claudine is supposed to hear later this afternoon what the court’s decision is–after her daughter will presumably be allowed to speak her mind with the judge. But of course, she can’t really speak her mind–not as long as she’s a minor and dependent on her father.

    We are not optimistic as to the outcome.

    But you know what? In a little over two years, this girl ages out of the system’s control over her life. Perhaps then, real change will come about. Abusers and their enablers often win the battles. But they seldom win the war. That puts off any real healing in this case for another two years.

    But at least it’s something to hope for.